Stronger Minds by MindBeacon

Bell Let’s Talk Day: What Makes You Happy?

Written by the MindBeacon team | January 29, 2021

Yesterday was Bell Let’s Talk Day and just like every other day, we’re here to listen and help provide the support that you need when you’re not feeling your very best.

It’s okay not to be okay but the key is to talk about it and find the actionable steps to help you feel your best. Talking about your feelings and thoughts can relieve stress and help provide some clarity but there are other things you can do to make you feel happy. True happiness comes from living in accordance with your values – all the things that are important to you, in particular. Yesterday, we hosted a webinar to celebrate #BellLetsTalk Day and to share our positive action to inspire living a more resilient life.

Hosted by Dr. Khush Amaria (PhD., CPsych., Clinical Psychologist), she shared her best tips for living a life full of happiness:

We also checked in with our team of therapists to learn about what makes them most happy and how they take care of their own mental health and wellbeing. Here’s what they had to say:

“I stop and smell the roses – literally, I try and buy fresh flowers every few weeks – so I can use those flowers as a cue to slow down, pause and focus my attention on one task (not 20!), in what is usually a busy day. I can’t help but smile when I see the lovely colours and actually stop and smell the scent of rose!”
– Khush Amaria, PhD., CPsych., CBT Associates / MindBeacon Senior Clinical Director

"I love to bake! It's my way of slowing down, connecting with myself and sharing something with others. The preciseness of it calms my mind and it's a space where I can be as creative as I want. It's a double whammy of awesomeness - I get to try something delicious and spread joy to the people around me. The smile on peoples' faces when I share my creations with them is something special!"
– Kara Klein, MSW, RSW, MindBeacon e-Therapist

“I wake up a little early each day to exercise. I also watch a comedy or other light TV series while working out. Not only do I get a good sweat going but I get some laughs too. I can't control what happens the rest of the day but this helps me make sure I start the day in a good mood!”
Rixi Abrahamsohn, Ph.D., C.Psych, CBT Associates / MindBeacon Psychologist

“My pleasures are simple nowadays – I take my dogs in the woods and walk for 45 minutes, I’m being creative by working on a novella and taking a writing course, I enjoy hot Epsom salt baths several times a week to relax my muscles, and I make sure to stretch every morning and evening for 30 minutes. I use a breathing app focused on coherent breathing which really calms me, I go to bed and rise at the same time, I listen to music when I work and I get up and dance sometimes. I also make sure to connect with my sisters weekly and have a few friends that I walk with outdoors.”
– Denise McCarthy, MSW, RSW, MindBeacon eTherapist

"Before interacting with someone I do not know, I think about how I would like them to feel afterward. In most situations, there is no cost or inconvenience for me to brighten someone's day by being warm, polite, and expressing gratitude. It leads to more pleasant exchanges with others.”
– Maddy Burley, Ph.D., C.Psych., CBT Associates / MindBeacon Psychologist

“I’ve been doing a 30-day yoga challenge (well technically it’s a 30-day yoga ‘journey,’ but I’m calling it a challenge!). Some days I really don’t feel like stepping on to the mat, but I ALWAYS feel better once I do! A few of my friends are doing it as well, which is nice both for accountability and for virtual connection.”
– Alison McPhedran, MSW, RSW, MindBeacon National Team Lead, eTherapist

“I try to practice gratitude each day. I've realized that it doesn't need to be lengthy to be effective but being exact helps. At the end of the day, I reflect on a few things that I'm grateful for, feel proud of, had fun with, accomplished, found interesting, felt good about, witnessed, or did for someone else. This helps to rewire the brain to look for the good. When I remember to practice this, I find that my thinking is more balanced and fairer the next day.”
– Katelyn Gomes, Ph.D., C.Psych, CBT Associates / MindBeacon Psychologist

“Self-acknowledgement and appreciation are huge game-changers for my motivation, energy and ultimately for my mood. When I thank myself, even for minor tasks, I feel more connected, happier, and fulfilled. I notice an improvement in my confidence and ability to complete tasks effectively. I am more motivated to engage in self-care and develop healthy habits. Taking the time to appreciate ME for simply taking care of myself has been so impactful.”
– Felisha Sharma, Psy.D, C.Psych, CBT Associates / MindBeacon Clinical Psychologist (Supervised Practice)

If you’re looking for a place to go to when you’re in need of mental health support, look no further. Reach out to us for more information or visit our home page to start your journey. We’re here to help with a Therapist Guided Program, Live Therapy Sessions and so much more.