Stronger Minds by MindBeacon

Meaghan shares her experience about her last effort to gain control over anxiety and how MindBeacon helped

Written by Cristina Huré, Community Manager at MindBeacon | October 19, 2021

How do you know where to go when you're not feeling your best? Our lives can feel like a mess, we can't seem to get it together and our minds keep spinning. We know we could use a hand but sometimes we question whether therapy would work at all. Taking that first step is always the biggest step forward and to help you decide if therapy can work for you, we're collecting real stories from our community about their therapy experiences. Have a story to share? E-mail us at community@mindbeacon.  


I was feeling overwhelmingly anxious and worried in life and had tried a few different outlets in order to try and get control of these hard moments. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t relax, was always tense and could cry at any given moment. I had tried one-on-one counseling which was great, but slow and expensive. I tried another online “life coach” model but walked away early on after being given inadequate advice and feeling worse about myself and my situation. MindBeacon was my last effort into gaining control over worry and anxiety before I would have to resort to medical intervention.

At first, my expectations were low because of what I had experienced in the past. In the beginning, I had heard a lot of the same information in the past. However, I had an online therapist that would connect with me several times a week online and would cater the “homework” section to what I was discussing and how I was interacting with the material. As the information became more catered to me specifically, I found that the exercises were exactly what I needed to gain control over worry and anxiety. They were realistic, specific and easy to understand and complete. My therapist was so warm and understanding and I felt as though they wanted to be there in my mess with me. It was about halfway through when I started to notice real change in my life. Seeing these positive changes motivated me to press into the program even more than I had been.

By the end, my worry and anxiety was down by 47% and I was able to quickly gain control over the moments it would creep back up. It has been a month since I ended my sessions with my therapist and I still see the lasting changes that I gained during my sessions. I could not be more thankful for MindBeacon - MindBeacon has changed the course of my life for the better. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has even 5% effort left in themselves to support their mental health.

If you're struggling, MindBeacon is here to help with a variety of supports available in our Virtual Mental Health Therapy Clinic. If you are part of our Workplace Mental Health Program, please visit your company page for access to services covered by your program.