Stronger Minds by MindBeacon

ICYMI - "Ask a Therapist" Webinar Event: Obsessive Compulsive Concerns

Written by Cristina Huré, Community Manager | October 14, 2022

Every month, we host an "Ask a Therapist" webinar on a pressing mental health topic. In October, our focus was on obsessive compulsive concerns. 

Sometimes you may find yourself having particular tendencies, compulsions and unwanted thoughts that we call “intrusive thoughts.” Perfectionism can also play a role as we speak to obsessive compulsive concerns such as being worried about evenness or exactness, a need to know or remember, fear of losing or forgetting information, or you might be unable to decide whether to keep things or get rid of them. In this webinar, our therapists covered how to better understand obsessive compulsive concerns, specific tendencies that get in the way of living your life and how to overcome perfectionism.

If you missed the webinar, watch the on-demand version to learn more:


You can ask our experts about whatever's on your mind around our monthly topic. In November 2022, our theme will focus on anxiety. If you have any questions you'd like answered by our therapists, e-mail