Stronger Minds by MindBeacon

My teen barely leaves their bedroom and is on screens all day. What do I do?

Written by Michelle Nagy, MSW, RSW | September 14, 2020

When it comes to teenagers, striking an appropriate balance with respect to screen time is difficult, even at the best of times. A global pandemic and coping with the impact of social isolation has made the issue even more prevalent for parents.

The key here is balance. This is not the time to allow a complete free-for-all, but it’s also not the time to enforce overly strict screen time rules.

It’s recommended that parents reinforce daily expectations of other activities (school work, getting outside, chores, etc.) and keep an open dialogue pertaining to Internet safety before agreeing to loosen the reigns.

On top of that, parents should clearly explain to their teenagers why they are allowing more screen time right now so that it will be easier to make the transition back to different expectations when social distancing measures are loosened.

Encouraging good screen time habits around bedtime, however, is important – especially so right now, when maintaining good sleep habits is critical to well being.

Finally, if you notice your teenager becoming increasingly agitated when asked to transition away from their screens you may want to work with them to learn to disengage. Remember, it’s about finding a healthy balance.