Stronger Minds by MindBeacon

6 tips for thinking about return to work

Written by Dr. Khush Amaria, PhD, CPsych | September 16, 2020

Worried about returning to work? You’re not the only one. Even if we don’t have concrete plans for returning to an office or place of business anytime soon, just the thought is causing many people a great deal of stress. So, let’s look at a few ways we might address that anxiety.


1. Communication is key

Whenever possible, share information with each other – and be honest when you don’t know an answer. This helps builds trust between team members, leaders and on your work team.


2. Recognize limits

Stress gets in the way of processing information – especially if it is complex or unfamiliar info. It’s important to be patient with yourself. Check in often on each other as well. If you are making lots of simple mistakes, that’s likely a sign you need to take a break and recharge.


3. Physical resilience is just as important as the emotional resilience

We’ve been talking about resilience for weeks at Stronger Minds. Remember to support both yourself and team members in order to stay physically well – that might mean some active breaks, prioritizing sleep and good ole fashion healthy food habits. As well, keep up the emotional stress busters, such as positive self-talk, keeping things in perspective and having relaxation or grounding moments throughout the day.


4. Don’t forget that stress is also normal

Everyone is feeling it – but maybe in different ways. Find a way to have an open dialogue to talk about stress levels and remember this a new experience for everyone.


5. Control what you can and accept what you can’t

Having discussions with your peers about what you can control will help make it easier to focus on those areas. Highlight each other’s successes and pace yourself. Remember this is a marathon and not a sprint.


6. One more tip: Remember to be kind to yourself and those around you

We aren’t going to get it perfect, but every attempt to manage our stress levels in this next transition makes us stronger.