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Guided CBT Programs

Develop skills to help you thrive

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective forms of therapy. With MindBeacon you experience CBT at your own pace and on your own schedule, with your dedicated therapist guiding you throughout. Our program content includes readings and exercises that have all been developed by clinical experts to help you develop the skills you need to thrive. You can access the program when and where it suits you, and send messages to your therapist when something is on your mind. Your therapist will get back to you within 2 business days.

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What kinds of mental health issues do your Guided Programs help with?

MindBeacon offers one of the most comprehensive range of digital Guided CBT Programs in Canada. From Stress to Sleep, Anxiety to Alcohol Use, Panic to PTSD, we’ve got a program to help support your specific mental health concerns. As many of these concerns are related, your journey throughout the program is continually customized by your therapist.

types of guided programs Types of guided programs

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How Guided CBT Programs work

Tell us about yourself

Fill out a detailed assessment so we can better understand you. It’s as in-depth as a traditional first session, so set aside at least 30 to 60 minutes to complete it.

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Get matched with your therapist

You’ll be matched with a therapist best suited to support you. If our program is not a suitable treatment for your current needs, we will recommend alternate supports.

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Your therapist develops a program just for you

As your therapist works with you, they’ll ask questions, suggest readings and exercises and personally guide you through each week of the program.

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Weekly check-ins and progress

After each week you’ll reflect on what you’ve learned and how you are feeling. Your therapist may also adjust your program by drawing from our full content library.

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Completing the program

Once you’ve reached your goals your therapist will “graduate” you from your program.

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Benefits Coverage?

Benefits Coverage?

Covered by most Canadian benefits plans. See how easy reimbursement is.


$50 one-time time assessment
2 payments of $150, and a final payment of $175 for the Program.
Includes unlimited messaging

Suggested Frequency

Suggested Frequency

Most people complete a Program within 6-8 weeks and many continue messaging with their therapist for up to 12 weeks.
Cancel at any time?**

Cancel at any time?**



Get Started

*1st payment is initiated when you access the first 2 weeks of therapy. 2nd payment is initiated when you access week 3 or later modules. 3rd and final payment is initiated when you access week 5 or later modules; also includes 12 months access to your MindBeacon history resources.

**Guided Programs are billed bi-weekly at the start of the period. If you choose to cancel a Guided Program, your services automatically end after your current billing period. You will not be charged again unless you restart a service.


Benefits of MindBeacon

  • One-stop private space to access a wide range of mental health supports
  • Access therapy wherever you’re most comfortable
  • Flexible pricing to meet your needs and benefits coverage
  • Receive affordable, high quality care
  • Access to 24/7 Crisis Text Line
  • Unlimited account history access including therapist messages, content and more

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Is a Guided CBT Program the right therapy for me?

  • Participate when and where it suits you
  • Improve your resiliency by learning new skills
  • Rigorous clinical trials prove CBT’s effectiveness

Do you want to take an active role in your therapy? Do you enjoy doing “homework” – things like readings and exercises that help you learn skills to improve your resilience and how you cope? If so, then CBT may be a great fit for you.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a time-limited, problem-focused, and goal-oriented form of therapy. It looks at how the way we think about things can affect our feelings and behaviours. CBT helps us learn how to change negative cycles of thoughts and behaviours so we can function better, in order to improve our quality of life. Rigorous clinical trials have proven CBT’s effectiveness over a number of decades.

And our Guided CBT program is delivered 100% online – through your laptop, phone or tablet. So you can participate when and were you want. There are no appointments to keep – our Guided CBT Program works on your schedule!

Don’t need therapy right now? Join MindBeacon for support with your mental wellness.

  • Monthly Mental Wellness newsletter
  • Invites to monthly Ask at Therapist live online events
  • Access to our virtual therapy clinic
  • Joining MindBeacon will always be free

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What questions do you have?

More questions? Visit our full FAQ section.