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BEACON Beta Trial Confirms Effectiveness

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The results of the BEACON™ beta trial, conducted prior to commercial launch on October 10th, 2017, confirmed we met our goal to match or exceed literature findings on the effectiveness of best practice TAiCBT (Therapist-Assisted internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) as a first-line treatment for mood and anxiety disorders. The results demonstrate that our digital therapy solution can indeed be as effective as traditional face to face treatment.

Condition focus and Beta tester profile

The BEACON beta trial tested the effectiveness of 4 condition-specific treatment protocols: depression, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder.

The 70 beta participants, 33% men and 67% women, who began treatment all had a diagnosable mood or anxiety disorder, and 62% had previously sought treatment. They were 18 years old to 65+, and represented a wide variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Our results and user feedback demonstrate that the BEACON digital platform has broad appeal and effectiveness across a wide demographic.

I can now say that I am much more productive and feel less physical sensations; chills, sweats, heart racing, upset stomach, constantly racing to washroom, dry mouth, shakes etc....these are now unnoticeable or only mildly present. My thoughts are much more focused on my work than "what could happen"....and I feel better about myself.
– Female, 45, Panic Disorder


The evidence for BEACON effectiveness

BEACON beta trial participants reported an average of 50% or more reduction in symptoms after treatment for generalized anxiety, depression, and panic. In a clinical context, someone with a 50% reduction is considered a responder; this most often means someone has changed from feeling bad and ill and not functioning, to feeling much better and much more able to function.

The beta trial results included a 35% reduction in symptoms for social anxiety, which is consistent with previous research on the treatment of social anxiety and represents what most clients report as a significant improvement in their lives.

Results for each treatment protocol:

Condition/Treatment Protocol Tested (Outcome measure scale) Average Starting Symptom Level Average Discharge Symptom Level Reduction Testimonial





"I am ready to move forward and independently use what I have learned and can clearly identify the signal for a relapse and have a plan in place for my next steps. I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained over the last few months. Thank you so much!"
-Female, 37

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7)




“I already feel like I have learned more tools and gained more knowledge in two modules than I did over the course of 7 sessions last year that cost me $225 a pop. #feelinghopeful”
– Male, 40

Social Anxiety Disorder (SIAS/SPS6)

Moderately severe



"Thanks for everything. You can't know how grateful I am for helping me learn to get an important part of my life back that I needed. I know it will have a positive effect for future aspects of my personality and situation that I intend to work on. :) "
– Male, 42

Panic Disorder (PDSS)

Markedly ill

Slightly ill


“I did my interval runs on Tuesday night and had a little apprehension before I went, but the running itself didn't trigger any panic🎉💃👍🤗☄”
– Female, 33


In all, we found a low percentage of non-responders, 8%, during the beta trial. Overall satisfaction with the BEACON platform was 90%, and overall satisfaction from clients with their relationship with the  BEACON therapist was 95%.

Continuing forward

The results of the BEACON beta trial have confirmed its effectiveness as a best-in-class treatment for mood and anxiety disorders. 

People's experiences with BEACON have set them on a path to improved health and lives. 

*Note: all anonymized quotes from participants were used with permission, and are illustrative and not indicative of universal outcomes for all BEACON clients.
**Post edited on 11/01/2018: an error appeared in the table for percentage reduction of symptoms at discharge for patients with depression. 


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